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Friends of Red House Park - www.redhousepark.org.uk skip to content

Walks through the Park

The Park has been used by the local community since 1929. Many people relax by walking through the park and its woodland areas.

A more formal walk of about 2 miles has been defined around the park.

map of walk

The walk follows fields, pavements, tarmac and woody paths and care has to be taken on steep slopes. The walk is not suitable for purshchairs or wheelchairs.

  1. Start at the car park by the football changing rooms and follow round the outside of the football field towards the main entrance of the park.
  2. Turn right on to the tarmac path towards Red House and at the end of the path turn left, part the front of the House.
  3. Follow the path down to Longleat (road).
  4. Turn left onto the pavement and continue.
  5. At the gully turn left (houses now on your right)
  6. At Wrottesley Road turn sharp left along side of pool, bear right between the two lakes and go left around the balancing lake.
  7. One you complete a circuit of the balancing lakes (you can do more circuits around this lake to make the walk longer) retrace steps towards Wrottesley Road but continue around the pool. Carry on along path up to a steep hill toward the main entrance
  8. Turn left along the path, walk to the end and cross back on to the football field, walk around the edge retracing your steps and back to the start.

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  • This site supports the work of the Friends of Red House Park and is a micro-site within www.B43.co.uk - Great Barr Past and Present