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Friends of Red House Park - www.redhousepark.org.uk skip to content

Red House History

It was in the year 1841 that Mr Robert Wellbeloved Scott, of Stourbridge, built the Red House on this estate of 27 acres. He was at that time the Liberal member member for Walsall, and retained his seat in Parliament till 1847.

Originally the Estate was described as being situated on Snails Green Lane, Birmingham Road (also called Sneals Green in some directories of the 1830's). The adjacent West Bromwich Road was renamed to Newton Road, while Snails Green Lane has disappeared. The 1787 map shows Snails Green. An 1860 map makes no reference to Snails Green.

The earliest references found indicate the current Red House was pre-dated by a 'gothic' country house.

Some of the outbuildings at the Red House, it has been ascertained, are very old, being built of the 16th century. It is therefore evident that there must have been a large farmhouse on the name describing the new house built of red brick. These bricks were of first class quality, and are in goods condition even until today. It is very probable they were made in the bricktields adjoining and perhaps even belonging to the Red House estate. At any rate the new house was in great contrast to its surroundings


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  • This site supports the work of the Friends of Red House Park and is a micro-site within www.B43.co.uk - Great Barr Past and Present