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Friends of Red House Park - www.redhousepark.org.uk skip to content

Gardens at the Red House

The gardens around the Red House have provided much enjoyment over the years.

Pictorial Flower Bed

"Harry" Watkin worked as a gardener for many years. In the 1960's the Park planted a special flower bed every year in front of the house and the picture, taken by Philip Watkin, shows the 1968 version, which Harry produced to commemorate West Bromwich Albion winning the FA Cup.

Harry was still gardening for others past the age of 90, but recently passed away in his 92nd year. Thanks to his nephews, David and Phillip Watkin, for information provided.

Rose beds

One of the features around the Red House are the Roses. Many were replanted in December 2007 with more roses to be planted in January 2009.

New roses planted in December 2007


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