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Friends of Red House Park - www.redhousepark.org.uk skip to content

Site References

The development of this site has been undertaken with the assistance of the Friends of Red House park. This page references some of the sources of information. There is also a set of links to web sites that may be of interest. Many thanks are given to the residents of Great Barr who have provided further information.


  • The Midlands Chronicle and Free Press, (West Bromwich, Oldburv & Smethwick) as transcribed by Andy Mab
  • Rev. W. G. Podmore. Much of the early history of the estate is difficult to trace, but there has been a champion of the cause in the Rev. W. G. Podmore, who, for over 20 years, was Vicar of Hamstead. As a member of among other historical associations, the Birmingham Archaeological Society, he took a keen interest in the Red House history, and from time to time he included many of the details in his parish magazine. Mr Podmore left a few years ago to take up the living of St. Patrick's at EarIswood, that delightful rural district of Warwickshire. West Bromwich people are no strangers to Mr Podmore, for in addition to his 20 years at Hamstead, he was for six years at the Good Shepherd, Spon Lane. For a very similar period he was in the neighbouring town of Smethwick, where he was first Vicar of St Stephen's Church. It was carved out as a separate parish. He has also seen "service" in North Staffordshire. In fact, as he himself puts it, he has had a remarkable career, having ministered among potters, glass workers, iron workers, miners and now lastly, in a beautiful agricultural district.
  • Whites History, Gazetteer & Directory of Staffordshire, 1834

Local History Web Sites

Digital Handsworth

Express and Star Midlands Memories

Francis Asbury

Hamstead Colliery Memorial Commitee

Quick Links

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  • Please send me photographs and historical information on Red House Park
  • This site supports the work of the Friends of Red House Park and is a micro-site within www.B43.co.uk - Great Barr Past and Present