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Friends of Red House Park - www.redhousepark.org.uk skip to content

1813- 1832

The Red House estate was inherited from Ann Scott in 1813 by John Scott (1763 - 3 Jan. 1832)

.The only record of this period comes from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotlandy .It was popular for the rich to tour Scotland and produce detailed journals on their travels, which are recorded by the Society.

In 1816 William Smith, accompanied by John Smith, The Red House, Great Barr, Staffordshire visited seven counties from Gretna to Dumfries, Glasgow, Edinburgh and back to England. The 636 pages had seven appendices and gives much attention to burial grounds. It is also noted that William Smith had documented other tours but no details are provided. It is also recorded that William and John Scott similarly made tours of Scotland and England in 1816, 1817 and 1818.

John Scott had one daughter, Sarah.

Drawings by John Scott have come to light and the drawing below is courtesy of David Scott.


Following the death of John Scott in 1832 the Red House was advertised for rent.

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