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Friends of Red House Park - www.redhousepark.org.uk skip to content

Multi Use Games Area

The council, with the Friends of Red House Park, applied for grants for a Multi Use Games Area aimed at 11-20 year olds.
It is located parallel with the confier hedge, behind the house and off-centre from the previous tarmac - taking up some of the old play area.

It was officially opened by the Mayor of Sandwell, Sadie Smith, at the fun day on 2nd July 2006.Sadie Smith opens MUGA


The Development started in May 2006 by digging up the site of the old childrens playground.

and it was completed by the middle of June.

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  • This site supports the work of the Friends of Red House Park and is a micro-site within www.B43.co.uk - Great Barr Past and Present