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Friends of Red House Park - www.redhousepark.org.uk skip to content

Red House Park Pools

There are two pools in Red House Park. The lower being a feature of the early park while the top 'balancing pool' lake was added to provide drainage support following the construction of the M5/M6 motorways. Friends of Red House Park have been awarded a grant of £50,000 to restore the lakes of Red House Park. See Projects for more information.

The lower pool

the lower lake(28K) the lower lake (24K)

the top pool

photograph of the lakes

A note. Pond, pool or lake - which is the correct term to use. It seems the term pond relates to areas of water where light can penetrate to the botton and plants can grow, and also are a depth to wade through, so this is not appropriate for the Red House. Pool seems to be less well defined so it is probably an issue of personal choice whether we should talk about pools or small lakes.

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