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Friends of Red House Park - www.redhousepark.org.uk skip to content

The Bird Box Project with Dartmouth High School

Dartmouth High School has been building bird boxes for Red House Park. The wood for the bird boxes has been acquired through a joint venture with The Friends, Great Barr Sawmills and The Rotary Club, with the wood being delivered to Dartmouth High School.

Pupils from Dartmouth High School with the installation of Bird Boxes
Seen here are Stephen Sidhu, Stephen Rooker and Ethan Tolley, from Dartmouth School as the first of the bird boxes are installed.

The school is very keen to be involved in any community projects in the park and last year a group of Dartmouth High School pupils attended the Friends Environment Day and helped litter pick.

The Friends offer a big thank you to all those involved

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  • This site supports the work of the Friends of Red House Park and is a micro-site within www.B43.co.uk - Great Barr Past and Present